Introverted Intuition in the Shadow II

“… intuition, the noblest gift of man, [turns] into meddlesome officiousness, poking into every corner; instead of gazing into the far distance, it descends to the lowest level of human meanness.”– C.G. Jung  

In the previous article, we focused on the basic principles governing introverted intuition and some notions of how it manifests in the shadow. In this article, we will look at introverted intuition as projection as well as its manifestation when the dominant type develops an extreme one-sidedness.

Positive Projection

When introverted intuition is positively projected, people with introverted intuition in the lead may be regarded as highly intelligent people. There can be a sort of fascination with them, though also a feeling that one cannot perhaps compete with them.

They may seem aware of a much larger dimension of existence, almost impossible to tap into, and reserved to the few that are capable of navigating those mysterious waters. As Jung so aptly put it “. . . introverted intuition perceives all the background processes of consciousness with almost the same distinctness as extraverted sensation registers external objects.” (CW 6, par. 657)

Negative Projection

Someone with introverted intuition in the shadow may consider himself totally incapable of reaching the same depth of creative imagination, and may instead, as a kind of character defense, negatively project that same introverted intuition.

One may look suspiciously on intuitive hunches, as if something that is not perceived cannot exist. Apprehending intuitively may be seen as a “strange and dark art.” People with highly developed introverted intuition may be regarded as aloof, unreachable people who give themselves up to fruitless fantasies.

And that exaggerated slight may not, in some cases, be too far from the truth, for introverted intuition, when dominant, can also be taken to an intensified extreme: “. . . naturally, the intensification of intuition often results in an extraordinary aloofness of the individual from tangible reality; he may even become a complete enigma to his immediate circle.” (CW6, par. 661)

Introverted Intuition in Opposition to Extreme One-sidedness

Theoretically, when introverted intuition is in the shadow, the dominant type would be extraverted sensation. Sometimes, the lead may also be either extraverted feeling or extraverted thinking. Each of these attitudes is well adjusted to external conditions, very capable of adapting to objective situations, general values, standards, or norms.

However, when any of these attitudes overly identifies with external conditions, when the individual’s identity is wrapped in the garments of the outer world–an exalted position or title for example–the extraverted attitudes have taken their role too far. The shadow types may be excessively repressed, for they may not fit with this superficial identity.

But the aim of individuation is wholeness, not one-sidedness, and the shadow types have as great a role to play as the dominant types. Accordingly, introverted intuition in the shadow may respond aggressively to undermine the false identity.

Introverted intuition, so well adapted to imagination and future possibilities, can become quite disruptive. That which the individual values most in the world may be undermined with anxieties, phobias, and magical superstitions, all negative and divisive forms of inner imagination. Introverted intuition, so lofty and holistic, now descends into an antagonistic and meddlesome intruder.

“… intuition, the noblest gift of man, [turns] into meddlesome officiousness, poking into every corner; instead of gazing into the far distance, it descends to the lowest level of human meanness.” (CW 6, par. 608)

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