Instruments for a well-lived life.

As a client of a GCI Advisor, you have access to instruments helpful for navigating life’s many transitions and choices.

The Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI)

The GCI is a self-assessment that will help illuminate how you are most gifted. Completing the GCI is easy. 

You will first be asked to remember a few enjoyable life experiences. When you have those in mind, you will be asked forty questions about three of those experiences. When you are finished, you will get a full Personal Profile and compass diagram that depicts your favored gifts and orientations to life experience.

The fee for the GCI is $75 USD. When you complete the assessment, you can choose to pay yourself or ask us to send an invoice to your GCI Advisor. After payment, the other instruments will also be open for your use.

The instruments will be available to continue to use or amend, at no additional cost, for the rest of your life.  As your gifts mature and ripen, as your sense of purpose grows, as your career opportunities expand, these instruments will be available to help chart your course.

The Work Profile Reports

The Work Profile Database includes Work Profiles that have been published by others. We invite you to add your Work Profile to this database. None of your personal information will be included. Just click “publish” after you have completed a profile. Your contribution to the database will help others to find work for which they are well suited. You could compare your personal gifts with your Work Profile, seeing at a glance sources of frustration or enjoyment in your current work.

Male tourist climbing snowy rocky cliffs of beautiful Penning Alps in Switzerland

Discover Your Passion

The Discover Your Passion instrument takes you through a step by step process that will help clarify the work and way of life that you could feel passionate about.

All of these instruments are yours to use, for the rest of your life, after you complete a GCI.