About Our Instruments
I would not for anything dispense with this compass on my psychological voyages of discovery. C. G. Jung speaking of his model of psychological types.

The Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI)
The Gifts Compass Inventory (GCI) is an online self-awareness instrument that helps navigate personal transformation toward one’s full and unique potential. Content and construct validities have been scrupulously analyzed and successfully confirmed by experts in industrial psychology and Jung’s psychological types.
The GCI reports relative dispositions for each of Jung’s original eight psychological types using a compass diagram. Jung often referred to his type model as a compass, one that he would not do without on his “psychological voyages of discovery.”
The GCI Personal Profile affirms the value of unique individuality while it helps to explain one’s orientation to life experience. With the guidance of a trained advisor, it opens new possibilities and pathways for personal growth. It helps people orient to optimal career paths, understand preferred learning styles, and gain confidence about personal strengths.

The types never act alone. Each of the types is often found in collaboration with others. If we consider the types in simple pairs of two, assuming one lead and one auxiliary, there are 56 possible pairs. Of those 56 possible pairs, we have seen all of them reported, though some more frequently than others. We also usually see more than one auxiliary types engaged with the lead type.
When considering both order and degree, a full profile takes on a uniquely individual illustration of both the conscious and less conscious dispositions for each of the types. We refer to interpreting a GCI Profile as “Reading the Melody” for the eight types occur something like eight notes on a musical scale that can produce a nearly infinite array of combinations. No wonder Jung said, “You could say 16 but you might as well say 360!”

The Discover Your Passion Assessment

The Work Profile Reports
- The Work Profile illustrates the type dispositions needed for a particular work role or career.
- The Work Profile Database is a searchable database of various careers and the type orientations needed in those careers.
- The Work Profile Comparison Report considers the “fit” of a person’s GCI Profile with any of the Work Profiles in the Database.