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Jung’s Indispensable Compass: Navigating the Dynamics of Psychological Types

 Author: JG Johnston  Category: Jung's Psychology More Details

Jung’s psychological types could be thought of as a compass useful for navigating the “middle way” to a vital and uniquely differentiated life.

For Aristotle, the middle way was the golden mean, the way between extremes to happiness, “the best, noblest, and most pleasant thing in the world.”

Buddha, the “awakened one,” found the middle way that leads to broadened consciousness, emboldened compassion, and renewed reverence for life.

Lao Tse’s middle way–Tao–finds harmony in the complementary opposites yin and yang.

For Confucius, the middle way included a balance of personal growth and communal responsibility.

For Jung, the middle way unites the opposites, creates wholeness, and gives birth to unique personality.


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